Sensitive Areas

The Document Garrett County Sensitive Areas Ordinance (89.39 KB) first became effective on July 1, 1997. An amended version of the Ordinance became effective June 1, 2010. Building permits and subdivision applications are reviewed for compliance with this Ordinance.

The Sensitive Areas Ordinance focuses on the six main areas of concern that are detailed below. The Ordinance includes two maps that help identify these sensitive areas. Document Sensitive Areas Map #1 (3.63 MB) identifies the general locations of Streams, Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats and Source Water Protection areas. Document Sensitive Areas Map #2  (5.5 MB) identifies the general locations of Steep Slopes, Floodplains and Wetlands. Garrett County also offers an interactive Webmap that includes a Sensitive Areas layer.

Stream Buffers

Within the areas shown on Map #1 as Growth Areas, the minimum Stream Buffer shall include areas within 25 feet of each side of the top of the primary bank of a stream. Within areas not shown as Growth Areas, the minimum Stream Buffer shall include areas within 50 feet of each side of the top of the primary bank of a stream.

Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species

A Building Permit shall not be issued for a development that would adversely affect a site known to have been officially designated as a habitat for Federally -designated Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species until the proper agencies have been notified and mitigation measures approved. Any applicant for a building permit for proposed development activity that would have a potential adverse impact on the habitat of a rare, threatened or endangered species officially designated by the State of Maryland will be referred to the appropriate division of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

Source Water Protection Areas

Source Water Protection Areas provide water recharge for public drinking water systems. Minimum requirements to protect these resources from contamination that could threaten the safety of public water sources are established.

Steep Slopes

If slopes on the proposed building or subdivision application exceed 30 percent the applicant shall be required to submit a site plan.

Flood-Prone Areas; Erosion Control

Compliance with the Document Floodplain Management Ordinance (1.14 MB) and Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance, as amended and as applicable, shall be required as a condition of permits. For more information regarding the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance or the Floodplain Management Ordinance please contact the Department of Permits & Inspection Services at 301-334-7470.


All development activity shall comply with the Maryland Non-Tidal Wetlands Act (Title 5, Subtitle 9 of the Maryland Annotated Code).