Vendors Guide

This guide is designed to assist new vendors in understanding the basic procedures of centralized procurement within Garrett County Government. Garrett County welcomes vendors to do business with the County and will attempt to provide any assistance and information that may help a new vendor to better understand the County's procedures.

Garrett County Government seeks to fulfill its needs for commodities and services through open competitive bidding wherever practical and possible. The fundamental objective of the procurement process is to obtain maximum value for the tax dollar while maintaining a reputation of fairness and integrity by fostering maximum competition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for purchasing for Garrett County Government?

The Purchasing Division is responsible for centralized procurement of goods and services for County funded departments and agencies. It is the duty of Purchasing Department to have the goods and services available to the using departments and agencies by buying the right quality in the right quantity at the right time from the right supplier at the right price. The Purchasing Department also administers the procurement of professional services and construction for capital projects.

Garrett County Government Department of Financial Services
Purchasing Division
203 South Fourth Street
Room 206
Oakland, Maryland 21550
Phone: 301-334-1995
Fax: 301-334-5000

How can I become a vendor?

A list of vendors is maintained on an automated Vendor's List by the Purchasing Division. Vendors who would like to be placed on this list must first complete a Vendor Application, specifying commodities or services they wish to provide to the County.

Vendor Self Service Portal

Document Vendor Information Request (50.24 KB)

Vendors on the Vendor's List will be contacted when the commodity/service which they wish to provide is needed by Garrett County Government. If a vendor does not respond to three (3) consecutive procurement opportunities, the vendor's name will be removed from the list.

How will I know of procurement opportunities?

All formal Invitations to Bid or Requests for Proposals will be advertised for two (2) consecutive weeks in The Republican Newspaper (local newspaper), on our web site, and will occasionally be listed on the Maryland Contract Weekly Homepage. In addition, capital projects are advertised with the Dodge Reports.