The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) broadband map lists which internet service providers claim to provide broadband service to each address in the United States.
We need your help making sure the map is correct! If your address shows on the FCC map as having high speed internet service, then it will not qualify for federal funding to build internet service to your home.
How do I find out if my address is showing as having broadband service?
- Go to:
- Begin entering your address in the box at the top of the map, then click your address when it pops up in blue
- The dot on your address will be either green (served), red (not served) or grey (not a valid address)
- The box at right shows what internet providers show as providing service to your address right now.
- If there is any provider showing as having at least 100 Down and 20 Up, then your address is considered served and you can get service from that provider within 10 days.
- In this case, you may contact the provider and ask for service. If they cannot provide service within 10 days at their regular installation price, then this address needs to be challenged. Get the denial in writing (in an email or screenshot). Contact Cheryl DeBerry 301-914-1543 or [email protected] to report it.
- If you pay for service from a provider that is supposed to be at least 100 Mbps download speed and 20 Mbps upload speed, but you don't receive that speed, then this address needs to be challenged. To do so, use a laptop or desktop computer in your home that is connected to your router with a wire. You need to go to: and complete the speed test from the same address on 3 different days before August 8. Take a screenshot of each speed test. You will need to send those screenshots along with a copy of your latest bill from your provider, to [email protected]
- If no provider shows as having at least 100 Down and 20 Up, then your address is considered unserved, and is eligible for the upcoming BEAD funding to reach you. You don't need to do anything further.
- If there is any provider showing as having at least 100 Down and 20 Up, then your address is considered served and you can get service from that provider within 10 days.
Questions? Contact Cheryl DeBerry 301-914-1543 or [email protected]