08/28/2023 Initial notification of an odor in the water
08/28/2023 Flushed hydrants and tested for chlorine residuals
09/29/2023 Flushed hydrants
10/02/2023 Water samples collected and sent to Maryland Spectral Services (a private
independent lab) for analysis
01/31/2024 Flushed hydrants
02/05/2024 Weather warmed up enough to start Pressure Testing the system for leaks
02/12/2024 Collected water samples and tested
02/20/2024 Flushed hydrants
02/27/2024 Maryland Rural Water onsite sounding for leaks
03/01/2024 Flushed hydrants
03/06/2024 Pressure testing completed for Shallmar Road, East Main, West Main, and
Center streets. Seven valves in other parts of the town failed and were
ordered for repairs.
03/20/2024 Samples collected again at multiple locations including inside some homes
03/28/2024 Maryland Rural Water onsite sounding for leaks
04/15/2024 Test results received and confirm no contaminants
04/22/2024 MDE received test results and update on what work has been completed
and the plan to proceed.
05/08/2024 Valves and supplies needed for repairs are onsite.
05/22/2024 Contractors scheduled to start valve replacement first week of June
06/10/2024 Contractors repaired two valves State Street
06/20/2024 Contractors repaired three valves at the corner of Willow and State streets.
06/21/2024 Commissioners informed of the issues with Kitzmiller water
06/24/2024 Commissioners held public meeting in Kitzmiller and heard concerns from
residents directly
06/25/2024 Valve repaired on Homestead Street
06/26/2024 Completed pressure testing North of Rt 38
07/01/2024 Pressure testing resumes south of Rt38
07/02/2024 Pressure testing continues south of Rt 38
07/03/2024 Large leak located and repaired on Race Street
07/08/2024 Pressure testing South of Rt 38 and the East Main Street area.
07/10/2024 Valve repaired on Third Street and pressure testing completed
south of Rt 38
07/10/2024 Bacteria Samples Collected by MES = Negative Results
07/12/2024 Alley H line leak repairs have been completed
07/24/2024 Started receiving complaints in new areas, flushed entire town
Collected well samples and water samples at the school for a full analysis, results received 8/4/2024 forwarded to MDE and MES
08/06/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night
08/07/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/08/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/09/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/12/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/13/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/14/2024 Flushed water from water tower at night, samples taken in morning
08/15/2024 Water trucked to Community Center for disbursement for affected residents
08/16/2024 County Commissioners met with the Secretary of MDE to apprise her of the situation and ask for assistance
08/20/2024 The Director of Garrett County Utilities and staff visited the Kitzmiller plant and residences to check on progress and issues related to the problem
08/21/2024 Second truck of water sent to Community Center for disbursement for affected residents
08/21/2024 Flushing Shallmar and Peewee extensions
08/12/2024 Investigating potential filtration systems, quotes, sampling point modifications, etc
12/05/2024 A plan has been submitted to MDE to install a filtration system at the pump station.
12/18/2024 The proposed water filtration system has been approved by MDE. The filtration system has been ordered and prep work has been started at the water treatment facility. Following receiving all the materials, an installation period is anticipated to be 30-45 days.
01/27/2025 County staff attends Kitzmiller Town Meeting
01/29/2025 Concrete was poured for new filter base
01/30/2025 Electrical upgrades are being installed