2023 Bid/RFP Awards

Bid/RFP NumberDescriptionAwarded ToAward DateContract Amount
22-1201Garrett County Detention Center Padded Cell Conversion ProjectCornerstone Detention Products, Inc.1/24/2023$34,000.00
22-0927Design/Build Fiber Route Oakland-Table Rock Area RFP #22-0927/EDA Project No. 01-79-15059Pillar Innovations1/24/2023$792,110.00
23-0209Visitors Center Deck and Handrail ReplacementMill Creek & Company3/6/2023$27,506.00
23-0117Request for Qualifications/Proposals For the Development of a Renewable Gas ProjectArchaea Energy Inc.3/21/2023N/A
23-0316Precast Concrete Box CulvertConcrete Pipe & Precast, LLC4/3/2023$73,184.00
23-0302Purchase and Installation of Ceramic TileSuccess Floor Covering, LLC4/3/2023$117,087.14
23-0309Friendsville WWTP Roof and Gutter ReplacementRuff Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc.4/3/2023$39,030.00
23-0427SCSnowy Creek Bridge G-19 Concrete Abutments ConstructionAll Bids Rejected5/16/2023N/A
23-0427Hauling of Refuse and/or Recycled MaterialsPerry's Solid Waste5/16/2023


$230.00/Ton-Scrap Tires

23-0511LALiquid AsphaltSpecialty Emulsions, Inc.6/5/2023Accident-$2.54
Oakland Shop-$2.53
23-0511Design Build/Fork Run Tail ImprovementsAppalachian Dirt6/20/2023$49,851.50
23-0615Puzzley Well Site Security FenceHercules Fence of Maryland, LLC7/3/2023$30,800.00
AL-2: $500.00
23-0504Garrett County Aiport PAPI Systems Replacement Runways 9 and 27Bronder Technical Services, Inc.8/7/2023$156,702.40
23-0928Garrett County Airport Terminal Roof ProjectCN Metals, LLC10/17/2023$38,134.50
23-1005Fire Prevention Systems ServicesARK Systems, Inc.11/6/2023 Document Click Here (52.78 KB)
23-1005Fire Prevention Systems ServicesFire Protection Products, Inc.11/6/2023 Document Click Here (84.27 KB)
23-1005WWinter Abrasives and Road SaltGerorge's Creek Stone & Gravel, Inc.11/6/2023Type 1 Material; Option A or B: $20.80 Ton
23-1005WWinter Abrasives and Road SaltKeystone Lime Company, Inc.11/6/2023

Type 1 Material; Option A: $23.93 Ton-Eichorn

Type 1 Material; Option A: $20.92 Ton-Cranesville

23-1005WWinter Abrasives and Road SaltMaryland Minerals, Inc.11/6/2023Type 1 Material; Option A: $22.57 Ton
23-1005WWinter Abrasives and Road SaltArcosa Aggregates11/6/2023Type 2 Material: $11.25 Ton
23-1005WWinter Abrasives and Road SaltCargill, Inc.11/6/2023Type 3 Material: $105.54 Ton Delivered