Virtual Rain Barrels 101: Why, When, & How?

University of Maryland Extension Virtual Event

Date: April 29th @ 12pm (noon)


Description: Are you interested in learning about the benefits of capturing rainwater? If so, this class is for you! Rain barrels can play an important role in storm water management and you can use a rain barrel as a best management practice in your landscape. This virtual class will cover the maintenance requirements, hooking the barrel up to a downspout, and also how to build your own barrel. Restrictions apply, but if you have a Garrett County address, agree to send us a follow-up photo of your installed barrel, and are one of the first 40 people to register after you attend the virtual class, you may be able to earn a free rain barrel. Additional details on the free barrel and downspout adapter will be shared during this class!

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Created 4/27/2021 4:35pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm