Be Heard. #TellUsGC Listening Survey Tool

The Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee recently launched a survey instrument designed to collect the unique experiences of those living, visiting, working, and/or raising a family in Garrett County. Anyone is welcome to submit a response.

The survey is found here:

Note, all responses are anonymous and will be combined with all other responses in a summary report to the Commissioners.

Committee Chair Duane Yoder said, “This is just one way we are collecting information. We are using the survey to find topics to further explore as a committee. Then, we will present any potential issues and recommendations related to diversity and inclusion directly to the Commissioners.”

In addition to the survey instrument, small group listening sessions will be held in order to gather information directly from citizens and visitors about their experiences. If you are interested in attending a listening session, know an individual or group that would be interested, or if you have more details to share, please contact 301-334-8970 or email

“I think word is getting out about what we are doing and we may have reached a turning point in that folks are coming forward and are willing to share their stories,” said Committee Member Gloria Salazar. “It is very important. Some of what they have to share may be difficult to hear.”

From Resolution 2021 – 7, in part, The Board of Garrett County Commissioners maintains: “Garrett County strives to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all. We are committed to promoting respectful conduct, equitable service, and diversity in our community. We condemn discrimination by or against residents, visitors, workers, County employees, or county businesses.”

For more information, please visit

Created 3/8/2023 1:13pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm