The Board of Garrett County Commissioners will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room, Room 209, 203 South Fourth Street, Courthouse, Oakland, Maryland. The purpose of the meeting is to review and take public comment on the following ordinance(s):
AN ACT CONCERNING the Garrett County Fire Marshal FOR THE PURPOSE of authorizing the appointment of a Fire Marshal for Garrett County, Maryland; establishing the scope of the duties as well as the administration and implementation of the Office of the Fire Marshall for Garrett County, Maryland, and authorizing the Office of Fire Marshal to investigate the origin, cause and circumstances of fires, explosions, and hazardous materials emergencies in Garrett County.
AN ACT CONCERNING the Garrett County Police Accountability Board FOR THE PURPOSE of establishing a Police Accountability Board for Garrett County, Maryland; establishing the scope of the duties as well as the administration and implementation of the Garrett County Police Accountability Board and authorizing the Garrett County Police Accountability Board to work with law enforcement agencies and the county government to improve matters of policing in Garrett County.
Building Regulations
AN ACT CONCERNING the Garrett County Fire Prevention Code; FOR THE PURPOSE of adopting and implementing a Fire Prevention Code for Garrett County, Maryland; providing for the scope, administration, and implementation thereof; providing for inspection and other fees; providing for protection against fires and the removal of fire hazards; providing for appointment of inspectors to enforce the Fire Prevention Code and establishing penalties for violations thereof.
Copies of the draft ordinance are available at the County Commissioners Office, 203 South Fourth Street, Oakland Maryland, Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and at the County’s website,