Please click on the links below to read the orders and guidance related to Stage One of the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan.
- Document Maryland Governor - Gatherings Order - 05-13-2020 (440.39 KB)
Businesses That May Reopen - Interpretive Guidance
(360.35 KB)
- Document Retail Stores Best Practices (1.18 MB)
- Document Personal Services Best Practices (352.52 KB)
- Document Manufacturing Best Practices (596.43 KB)
Faith-Based Services Guidance
(442.99 KB)
County Commissioners - Executive Order - Declaration of State of Emergency - Amended 05-14-2020
(129.19 KB)
County Health Officer - Order - 05-14-2020
(694.13 KB)
- Document Garrett County Chamber Task Force Roadmap to Reopening Guide and Best Practices (1.25 MB)
Residents who have medical questions about the virus may call the Health Department COVID-19 Hotline at 301-334-7698.