Arrowhead Cove Pilot Dredging Project Public Meeting Summary

A public meeting was recently held to review the details of the Arrowhead Cove pilot dredging project.

A link to the meeting recording can be found here:

The project will involve the removal of accumulated sediment from the lakebed, revitalizing the waterbody, providing greater boater access, and preserving its ecological integrity. This project is the first dredging project for Deep Creek Lake.

In this pilot dredging project, Garrett County, the State of Maryland, property owners, and stakeholders will evaluate the pros and cons of dredging within Deep Creek Lake. Ultimately, this project will determine if dredging other sediment-impacted Deep Creek Lake coves is a viable and cost-effective strategy for improving water recreation, water quality, and fish habitat.

A request for bids has been released for the project and construction is anticipated to begin in late September 2023 if a viable bid is received.

For more information about the dredging project at Arrowhead Cove, including project updates and community engagement opportunities, please visit

Please contact Bruce Michael at or 410-570-4554 for questions or more information.

Created 6/5/2023 11:38am
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm