Health Department Announces Safety Concern Related to Mt Lake Park Fire

By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department

A fire early Wednesday morning at 310 Baltimore Avenue in Mtn. Lake Park, MD, caused petroleum and other automotive fluids to be released into a ditch which travels under Maryland Highway and along D Street to the Little Yough River.

The Garrett and Allegany Hazmat teams, along with the Maryland Department of the Environment Spill Response Team, worked to mitigate the spread of contaminants. The cleanup process is ongoing and until all work has been completed, persons and pets should refrain from entering the waterway between Maryland Highway and the Little Yough.

The public will be notified of any changes relevant to public health. Anyone having questions or concerns should contact Environmental Health at the Garrett County Health Department at 301-334-7760.

Mountain Lake Park Safety Concern.jpeg

Created 5/12/2023 3:54pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm