2022 Citizen Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Event

On Saturday, August 20, 2022, Garrett County Department of Solid Waste and Recycling and the Oakland Wal Mart, will host a Citizen Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Event from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or when all the receptacles are full.

Please be advised the event will take place in the lower parking lot located parallel to Rt 219. All vehicles will be directed to enter the parking lot from Rt 219 and depart, after depositing their tires, to either the upper parking area to shop or the side exit by the Garden Center that leads to N 4th Street.

During the one-day event, a Garrett County resident may bring up to 10 passenger tires, light truck tires or equipment tires (or a mixture of all three). The tires must be free of dirt, mud, leaves, water or fluid. Tires with rims will also be accepted. (Note: If you are bringing equipment tires for recycling, you must bring assistance to help unload the tires.)

Carpooling is encourged!! Please be prepared to show a valid driver’s license (preferred) or proof of residency. A residential permit is not required to participate in the event.

Citizen Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Events are sponsored by the Maryland Environmental Service, and are funded through the Maryland Department of the Environment’s Scrap Tire Fund. The fund was established by the General Assembly in 1991 as part of the Scrap Tire Recycling Act.

For additional information on the Citizen Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Event, please contact Kimberly Madigan, Recycling Coordinator at 301 387 0322.

Created 8/17/2022 11:03pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm