In an announcement on Friday, May 14, 2021, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced the end of several COVID-19 restrictions including the lifting of the statewide mask mandate.
For those that have been fully vaccinated, the state is adopting the CDC guidance that individuals may resume activities as normal with no face covering required. Public transportation, health care settings, and schools are the only exception to the lifting of the mask mandate.
This recent order takes effect along with the lifting of all capacity limits and restrictions as follows:
- Indoor and outdoor venues may resume normal operations. All remaining capacity restrictions will be lifted on all indoor entertainment venues and conventions, and all outdoor entertainment, art, and sports venues, including all ticketed events.
- Restaurants and bars may resume normal operations, as all remaining capacity and distancing restrictions and all other limits will be lifted on indoor and outdoor dining.
- The cruise terminal in Baltimore City will be reopening.
Officials still strongly recommend that unvaccinated individuals continue to wear face coverings.
Garrett County will follow the lead of the state and adopt the changes above on Saturday, May 15th.
To read the governor’s full announcement, please visit:
COVID-19 information for Garrett County remains available at Anyone with medical questions about the virus may call the Health Department COVID-19 Hotline at 301-334-7698.