By Garrett County Joint Information Center Team
Garrett County is currently continuing to vaccinate the Priority Group 1A as directed by the Maryland Vaccine Plan. This priority group includes healthcare workers, residents and staff of nursing facilities, first responders, public safety, and corrections facilities. Each long-term care facility is working under their own contract with CVS or Walgreens Pharmacy to vaccinate their staff and residents.
If you are not included in one of these groups, but you believe that you are in an extremely high-risk category, please contact your primary healthcare provider for additional information and to discuss any options that may be available. The Garrett County Health Department is NOT maintaining a list, and is only able to schedule appointments for those who meet the current qualifications at this time.
“We understand there is a high demand for the vaccine, and are working tirelessly to continue advancing the vaccination process,” said Garrett County Health Officer Bob Stephens. “Please watch for our announcements for updates. Thank you for your patience as we work together to move closer to ending the pandemic.”
Today’s statistics for Garrett County include:
· A total of 1,623 COVID-19 cases
· A total of 54 deaths due to COVID-19 or its complications
· A 7-day case rate of 58.1 per 100,000 Garrett County residents, compared to Maryland’s case rate of 50.5.
· A 7-day positivity rate of 16.6%, compared to Maryland’s rate of 8.6%
For the most up-to-date information about vaccine distribution and testing in Garrett County watch for announcements from the Health Department on media outlets, the Health Department’s Facebook page and website (
When vaccine appointments become available for different segments of the population, the Health Department will announce qualification requirements and instructions on how to schedule an appointment.
Vaccinations are being given by appointment only, which must be made by your attending medical provider. Do not come to a vaccination clinic without an appointment. Proof of age and proof of Garrett County residency will be required.
Additional COVID-19 resources:
· If you have COVID-19 like symptoms, schedule a testing appointment at the Health Department by calling 301-334-7697.
· Free COVID-19 testing is available (with or without symptoms) on Tuesdays (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) and Thursdays (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.), at the MEDCO Building in the McHenry Business Park. Pre-registration is recommended. Visit for more information.
· For all other COVID-19 related questions, or to report a COVID-19 compliance issue, call the local COVID-19 Hotline number at 301-334-7698