County Reopening Information

Maryland Governor Hogan has continued to incrementally ease restrictions in addressing the ongoing COVID -19 State of Emergency. His actions apply on a statewide basis but he has also reserved the right for local jurisdictions to modify his actions if circumstances warrant.

In Garrett County, the government has utilized the Governor's guidance and have, to this point, fared better than most jurisdictions in the State. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County to continue to follow the Governor's directives.

Garrett County will proceed, per state directive, to allow expanded indoor operation at restaurants from 50 to 75 percent capacity. This includes requiring appropriate distancing measures and following strict public health requirements.

As the Governor announces continued phased openings or, as he eases restrictions related to the COVID -19 State of Emergency, those actions will apply in Garrett County unless the Garrett County Health Officer directs otherwise.

Created 9/22/2020 3:33pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm