Garrett County Surpasses 2010 Census Self-Reporting Rate

The Garrett County Complete Count Committee is happy to report that as of Monday, August 10, Garrett County surpassed its 2010 self-response rate of 49.1% for the U.S. Census. Despite unprecedented challenges faced by both the Census Bureau and the Complete Count Committee which required drastic changes in plans, the people of Garrett County rose to the occasion in spite of COVID-19 and ensured that their voices, and their County, would be represented effectively in the government and in receiving the funding due in the years ahead.

The Committee would also like to remind residents that the Census Bureau’s deadline for completion of counting has been shortened and that all responses are due by September 30, 2020.

“The U.S. Census Bureau would like to extend our congratulations to the people of Garrett County for their high response rates,” said Fernando Armstrong, Regional Director for the Philadelphia Region of the U.S. Census Bureau. “Your response matters and will help your community get the accurate count it needs to secure federal funding for critical public services and political representation.”

The Garrett County Complete Count Committee is a group of citizens representing local government, agencies, and businesses throughout the County dedicated to ensuring that as many people as possible complete their Constitutionally mandated Census forms for the 2020 count.

Created 8/12/2020 12:22pm
Last Updated 11/7/2023 4:58pm